律师简介Chief Lawyer 本人1973年出生,法律本科学历,1999年从事法律服务工作。2002年取得法律职业资格。2003年开始做专职律师。在多年的法律服务工作过程中,有了一定的办案经验和谈判技巧。现在担任多家 企业的法律顾问。成功地办理了多起民事、经济和刑事案件。受到了当事人的一致好评。
我的工作的原则是。“诚实守信,依法维护当事人的合法权益,全心全意为当事人服务” 本人现在大石桥市辽宁百运律师事务所执业 地址:大石桥市哈大路28号(大石桥市...斜对过,土地局南邻)
Attorney Zhang Wuxian,one of the partners of Liaoning Baiyun law office,graduated from Dalian Maritime University, specializes in civil, commercial and penal law.
After graduation in 1994, he commenced his practice of law. Taking advantage of excellent foreign language proficiency, rich experience of lawyer career as well as profound academic background in jurisprudence, Zhang provides comprehensive, efficient and quality service to both domestic and foreign clients as a experienced attorney.
During the past decade, he has been maintaining close working relationship with large or medium scale enterprises and institutions..
He is skilled in handling the cases regarding international trade, intellectual property rights, direct investment, maritime, securities,real estate and corporation legal affairs, especially the cases concerning foreign elements. He spares no effort to safeguard the rights and interests of his clients and has enjoyed trust of them and won high praise for his charm of personality of wit and reliability.
His favorite motto is that the legitimate rights and interests of clients are supreme in lawyer career.
·QQ :289202504
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